Pavlina Lucas (b.1970, Cyprus) studied Architecture at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University (MArch 2000) and Journalism (with concentration in Photojournalism and minor in Art History) at Boston University (BSc 1993). She holds a PhD from Oslo School of Architecture and Design, where she developed the practice-based research project The Photographic Absolute: An Architectural Beginning.
Lucas joined the atelier of Swiss architect Peter Zumthor in 2000, where she was project architect for Walter De Maria´s 360° I Ching Gallery at Dia:Beacon NY, Bruder Klaus Feldkapelle in Wachendorf Germany, JP Williams House in Bedford NY, Hotel Therme Vals renovation, and team leader for the invited competitions Kunstgalerie Hinter dem Giesshaus 1 in Berlin and Cornell University New School of Architecture in Ithaca NY.
In 2003 she started her own practice in Cyprus while maintaining a freelance collaboration with Peter Zumthor and contributing to projects such as Allmannajuvet Zinc Mine Museum in Norway, the House of Seven Gardens in Doha, and the new Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA). Projects built in Cyprus include the award-winning Yiorkadjis Residence in Nicosia and the House for a Weaver in the UNESCO-protected village of Fikardou.
Since 2008 Lucas has been based in Oslo, where she re-established her practice after completing her PhD in 2014. She is particularly interested in the interaction of body and space and in the mutualism of natural and manmade. Hands-on exploration is central to her work, and besides model making, she uses writing, photography and performance art, as research tools. Lucas has taught and lectured at various schools including Aarhus School of Architecture, Tromsø Academy of Landscape and Territorial Studies, Oslo School of Architecture, Einar Granum Kunstfagskole, and the Accademia di Architettura in Mendrisio. She is currently Associate Professor at Bergen School of Architecture.
Link to CV
Link to work 1993-2010
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Maridalsveien 4B
NO-0178 Oslo
+47 91243785
Org.nr. 916161336MVA
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To apply for an internship please send your CV and portfolio by email.
Jörn Muenkel . RWTH Aachen
Lucie Vittor and Lucien Millet . École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville
Sylvain Lisch and Victor Demer . Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier
Alice Rougale-Royer . ENSAT Toulouse